@dcservicejam #GSJam #dcsj2022
The 2016 DC Service Jam
The photos in this story were taken by Jusna Perrin (@jusna_ninah) and Lauren Williams (@imlwilliams).
About 35 Jammers joined us for the 2016 Jam at Motiv's office in Alexandria, VA.
When folks arrived at Motiv on Friday, we welcomed them with open arms,
sweet Jam t-shirts, fun prototyping supplies and sharpies
to get the night started.
We kicked off the Jam by playing a little icebreaker using Brainspin and watching the inspiration video created by the Global Jam. Jammers shared their interpretations of the global theme,
brainstormed related services and formed teams around the most popular ideas.
Six groups took form and started working on their respective services.
On Saturday, participants heard presentations from design experts on key elements of service design
like user research, synthesis, ideation and prototyping.
Throughout the day on Saturday, Jammers headed out onto the streets of Alexandria to interview users.
They came back to Jam headquarters to make sense of their findings, ideate solutions, create prototypes
and iterate on their designs. Some groups even took their prototypes back out to test them with users.
Jammers worked long into the night to prototype, iterate, and prototype again. We took a break reenergize with an epic rock, paper, scissors tournament. Then, we prototyped some more!
On Sunday, each team presented its prototype and awards were presented to all the winners.
Check out the final prototypes here. Finally, the Jammers voted on People's Choice
and we celebrated with an ice cream cake.